Thursday, April 28, 2016

Up to speed

It's been six years since setting up this quiet corner of the internet! Life remains simple and slow.
It's a public holiday today in this beautiful island of mine. It's also hot and dry and brown and dusty from a drought we are experiencing.
Sunning the pillows today. Ate a simple meal and am now thinking of making some muffins a little later on. Choices. Some people in this world have very little room to play around with decisions. Still.
So what's been up? Too many things. Yet, I'm still thankful.
Church is still beautiful; or more beautiful now that I am getting older. If I could only make people see how good being a part of the body of Christ is! Still, I will try to shine what light I have so somebody may be caught in its beam.
I'm enjoying life; not work, but life. I was transferred nearly two years ago and I haven't adapted up to now. It really isn't what I would have wished for in many ways, yet in others it can be quite enjoyable.
My immediate neighbourhood remains unchanged; no deaths or additional families. Thank you Lord that life is still the wonderful gift it ever was.
Still, looking on at the situation in the world makes me wonder how long we can go on like this: war, climate change. Scary. Still, the universe is unfolding as it should.
Catching up is good, but I still don't know how some people manage to write so often.
Maybe I will find out one day.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A testimony
An appreciation service
An avoidable problem
Expensive convenience

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A father's decline
Memories of childhood
Reflections on what this living thing is all about
An old man's tears
A daughter's dutiful care
A wife's witnessing
A faithful God
A thankful child
A friend's offer
A thought
Things that make for peace
The graces and blessings of being family
Deep breaths
Thanksgiving always

Monday, June 24, 2013

Vacation nearly ended.
Time well spent.
Hedge all shaped and in order.
Friends revealed, friends refreshed.
Baking bread and cooking good food.
Sitting in the wind with nothing between me and the sea.
Childhood friends on visits.
Driving many miles.
Venturing opinions in public spaces.
Searching and searching all the time.
An old woman's depression.
Helpful customer service reps.
Seeking simplicity and peace.
Joy always, ever since the choosing.
A paltry few posts in nearly three years; hilarity.
Blessed days; beautiful days.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Arguments about playing video games. Tired eyes. Resting.
Jehovah's witnesses calling.
Being challenged to write every day.
Trusting in God's promises. Learning important lessons; listening and leaving things be.
Grateful for family and friends. Thankful for the rainfall of late.
Shaking my head with wonder at this one, beautiful, grace touched life.
An open door.
Anything for the peaceful life eh!
Mindfulness and contemplation.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wow! It's been more than a year since I even looked here! Can I try again?
Been writing in my journal all this time and growing. I hope.

I've been thankful for sure. Every day I give thanks for something or someone; a truly life altering attitude.

Struggling with the vegetarianism of late but hoping to come back on stream for this Lenten season. Forty days ought to be a good target for setting in place some better eating habits again.

It's also Election time in my country right about now. Not terribly interested. Off tomorrow on a vacation day. Too many things to be accomplished and there is to be no rushing about to accomplish them.

I do like this little corner of the internet where it is quiet and peaceful. I really do.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Embracing the new life

For years I have struggled with socialising. Just not good at it. Introvert at heart I am. But somehow since I started following Christian websites and blogs over three years ago I find myself slowly opening up. I'm not tech savvy so I can't do anything fancy with  this blog.  But I suppose I will come on from time to time and write something which might make sense or at least be interesting. So far I have just been musing; not trying to write anything really. Maybe I'll post my sometimes sermons here with a little editing for length to provide something somebody might want to read. Maybe.